10 Best Granny Smith Apples 2023

Pick Apples This Year – Four Years Sooner!<\/h2>

Why Granny Smith Apple Trees?<\/strong><\/p>

Our Granny Smith Apple Tree is known for its quick production and easy growth. In fact, it produces fruit in record time, so you’ll pick delicious apples this year.<\/p>

You’ll get unique tart flavor, effortlessly. <\/strong>Our Granny Smith doesn’t need harsh pesticides or even a specific soil type to thrive. You get adaptable, versatile growth and delectable Granny Smith Apples to use in snacks, desserts and more.<\/p>

Plus, our Granny Smith is self-fertile<\/strong>. That means you get fruit with only one tree, though adding an additional Granny Smith in your garden results in a dramatically increased crop for you. Imagine tons of delicious apples, season after season, in your own backyard.<\/p>

Why Fast-Growing-Trees.com is Better<\/strong><\/p>

Many nurseries sell tall, skinny stems that can take several years to fruit and will generally be less productive when mature. But our Granny Smiths are pruned back and trained to develop a branching structure. This process takes more work and an extra year, but the difference you experience is dramatic. Because more branches mean more fruit, earlier production, stronger limbs and a healthier tree. Some of our apple trees have already produced apples in our nursery!

Now, you reap the rewards. And with proper care, <\/strong>you’ll be able to start picking apples in the first year. Get your own Granny Smith Apple Tree and see its amazing growth for yourself!<\/strong><\/p>



BEST Instant Pot Recipes

BEST Instant Pot Recipes

Instant Pot Apple Crisp is a very easy Instant Pot dessert recipe made with Granny Smith apples and simple pantry ingredients.