Rating for ease of assembly is given because my maintenance guy was able to put the chairs together without reading the directions, after he looked at what was there to assemble. They look VERY nice. They are a bit heavy, but I need them to be heavy-duty for some of my clients, so that’s an acceptable trade off to me. They are COMFORTABLE. Not squishy comfort, but sturdy, back-supporting comfort. They are very modern looking, and great quality. I like that I will be able to disinfect the material if needed. It is either leather, or a very good-quality leather-look-alike. I have received several compliments on how nice they are and I’ve only had them in place for 2 weeks! Update: These chairs are awesome. But Heavy. I purchased several types of ‘sliders’ to help them move across the carpet in my office, but
VERY nice product. Weight limit is 400 lbs.
These chairs aren’t the most comfortable from the bunch, but for us they are guest chairs that are infrequently used for short periods of time. They look fantastic, are heavy and sturdy have a strong feel. (they don’t feel cheap at all) These chairs greatly compliment our office. They were very well priced and easy to assemble. We are very happy with them, I would recommend to anyone looking for a good looking, solid feeling chair.
Great guest chairs
These chairs are beautiful and look so nice in our newly remodeled office space where we purchased them for. The only downside was that, we purposely sought out chairs that had at least a 300 pound weight limit and these had higher than that, but when assembled, the arms make them too narrow for anyone over 300 lbs to actually sit in. Other than that one thing, these are really nice, modern and high-end looking chairs!
Great purchase!